30 mins
250 points
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HTML Lists

Lists are a useful way to display a group of items in a list. This lesson goes through how we can code them in HTML.

1 - Introduction

HTML lists are used to display a group of related items in a list. There are two types of HTML lists:

Ordered Lists (that put a number before each item in the list)

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item
  4. Fourth item
  5. And so on

Unordered Lists (that put a bullet point before each item in the list)

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item
  • Fourth item
  • And so on

2 - Ordered Lists

Ordered lists display a number (or even letters like a, b, c etc.) in front of each item in the list.

To code ordered lists in HTML we use the <ol></ol> (ordered list) tag. This tells the web browser that we want to display an ordered list and then we put a <li></li> (list item) tag inside the <ol></ol> tag for each item that we want to display.

Whatever content we want to display for the list item we put inside the <li></li> tag.

The following HTML code creates an ordered list for the top 5 largest lakes in the world.


3 - Different types of ordered lists

By default ordered lists will display numbers for the items but we can include a type attribute inside the <ol> tag that we can use to specify what type of numbering to use for the list.

We can specify the following numbering type for ordered lists:

  • for lowercase letters.
  • A for uppercase letters.
  • i for lowercase Roman numerals.
  • I for lowercase Roman numerals.
  • 1 for numbers (default).

Try changing the type of the following ordered list and then click 'Run Code' to see how it affects the numbering.

4 - Unordered Lists

Unordered lists display a bullet point in front of each item in the list.

To code unordered lists in HTML we use the <ul></ul> (unordered list) tag. This tells the web browser that we want to display an unordered list and then we put a <li></li> (list item) tag inside the <ul></ul> tag for each item that we want to display.

Whatever content we want to display for the list item we put inside the <li></li> tag.

The following HTML code creates an unordered list for the top 5 fastest production cars in the world (by acceleration).

5 - Different types of unordered lists

By default unordered lists will display a disc bullet point for the items but we can include a type attribute inside the <ul> tag that we can use to specify what type of bullet point to use for the list.

We can specify the following bullet points type for unordered lists:

  • circle for circle bullet points.
  • disc for disc bullet points (default).
  • square for square bullet points.

Try changing the type of the following unordered list and then click 'Run Code' to see how it affects the bullet points.

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