60 mins
Teacher/Student led
210 points
What you need:
Chromebook/Laptop/PC or iPad/Tablet

Arcade Build Battles

Engage in exciting build battles, creating your own coding projects within set time limits. From 15-minute arcade projects to 1-minute character designs, you'll have the chance to share your work and potentially be crowned the winner. Ready, set, code!
Learning Goals Learning Outcomes Teacher Notes

1 - Introduction

Today we will be doing build battles! There will be a time limit for everyone to create a coding project and then we will share our projects and choose a winner 🏆

2 - 15 minute build battle

Everyone has 15 minutes to build an Arcade project. It can be any type of project you wish.

You have 15 minutes to make it from when the teacher tells you to start.

Start your project

When the teacher tells you the time is up you have 2 minutes to share your project. 

Share your project

3 - 5 minute build battle

Everyone has 5 minutes to build an arcade project with any theme.

You have 5 minutes to make it from when the teacher tells you to start.

Start your project

When the teacher tells you the time is up you have 2 minutes to share your project. 

Share your project

4 - 1 minute build battle

Everyone has 1 minute to design a character in Arcade. You don't need to add any code, just create a cool character!

You have 1 minute to make it from when the teacher tells you to start.

Start your project

When the teacher tells you the time is up you have 2 minutes to share your project. 

Share your project

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