60 mins
Teacher/Student led
225 points
What you need:
Chromebook/Laptop/PC or iPad/Tablet

Build Battles

In this interactive lesson, you'll first learn how to animate a sprite in Scratch. Then, you'll put your skills to the test in a series of build battles, creating projects with different themes in 10, 5, and 1-minute timeframes. Share your projects and enjoy the fun!
Learning Goals Learning Outcomes Teacher Notes

1 - Introduction

2 - How to animate a sprite

Sprites have costumes which are different looks that you can make them have.

If you click on the Costumes tab you will see all the costumes that a sprite has and you can add to and edit these if you wish. 

To make the sprite "cycle" through it's costumes you could use the following code.

when green flag clicked forever next costume wait (0.5) seconds end

Or to choose a specific costume you would use this block.

when green flag clicked switch costume to (bat-c v)

Open a new project in Scratch, add a sprite with costumes and try animating the sprite using code.

3 - 10 minute build battle

Everyone has 10 minutes to build a project in Scratch. The project must have a space theme and you can use any blocks, sprites and backdrops that you wish.

You have 10 minutes to make it from when the teacher tells you to start.

Start your project

When the teacher tells you the time is up you have 2 minutes to share your project. 

Share your project

4 - 5 minute build battle

Everyone has 5 minutes to build a project in Scratch. The project must have a sports theme and you can use any blocks, sprites and backdrops that you wish.

You have 5 minutes to make it from when the teacher tells you to start.

Start your project

When the teacher tells you the time is up you have 2 minutes to share your project. 

Share your project

5 - 1 minute build battle

Everyone has 1 minutes to build a project in Scratch. The project can have any theme and you can use any blocks, sprites and backdrops that you wish.

You have 1 minute to make it from when the teacher tells you to start.

Start your project

When the teacher tells you the time is up you have 2 minutes to share your project. 

Share your project

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Copyright Notice
This lesson is copyright of Coding Ireland. Unauthorised use, copying or distribution is not allowed.

Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at
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