10 mins
Teacher/Student led
45 points
What you need:
Traffic Lights Kit
Phillips Screwdriver

Build your Traffic Lights

In this lesson, you'll assemble your own traffic lights using a Microbit Traffic Lights Kit. You'll start by gathering your materials, then open the package and construct the stand. Finally, you'll attach the Microbit to the traffic lights, ensuring the correct alignment.
Learning Goals Learning Outcomes Teacher Notes

1 - What you need

You will need the following:

  1. Your Microbit Traffic Lights Kit
  2. A Microbit
  3. A Phillps head screwdriver

2 - Open up the package

Open the Microbit Traffic Lights package and take out the contents.

3 - Make the stand

There is a bottom part of the stand that you can snap off. Carefully snap this off and then slot it into the matching part so that it makes a stand.

4 - Screw on the Microbit

Put the Microbit on top of the traffic lights and line up the holes as follows:

  • P0 Red > 0
  • P1 YLW > 1
  • P2 GRN > 2
  • 3V > 3V
  • 0V > GND

Once you have lined them up as above, use your Phillips head screwdriver to attach the screws and bolts in the holes.

That's it, you're done!

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