Microbit Python
60 mins
Teacher/Student led
245 points
What you need:

Python Showcase

Unleash your creativity and knowledge of MicroPython and the Micro:bit in this step-by-step lesson. From brainstorming and planning to prototyping and presenting, you'll be guided through the process of creating your own MicroPython project. Reflect on your journey, learn from challenges, and most importantly, enjoy bringing your unique idea to life.
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    1 - Introduction

    Welcome to your capstone lesson! Now that you've mastered the basics of MicroPython and the Micro:bit, it's time to harness your creativity and knowledge. In this lesson, you'll be guided through the process of conceptualising, planning, and building your very own MicroPython project.

    This is your chance to shine and showcase all that you've learned. Approach this lesson with an open mind, and remember, the primary goal is to learn and have fun.

    Follow the steps provided, take your time, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of bringing your unique idea to life!

    2 - Brainstorming

    Start by thinking about your daily activities or any challenges you face. Can a Micro:bit project help?

    1. Brainstorm and jot down 3-5 ideas on a piece of paper.
    2. If you're stuck, think back to our previous lessons or activities for inspiration.

    Here are some project ideas you could do:

    Simple Projects

    1. LED Dice Simulator
      Shake the Micro:bit to "roll" a dice. Use the LEDs to display numbers from 1-6.
    2. Music Player
      Use the onboard button to cycle through and play different tunes or frequencies using the Micro:bit's speaker or connected headphones.

    Intermediate Projects

    1. Temperature Warning System
      Monitor room temperature using the Micro:bit's temperature sensor. Display a warning (like flashing LEDs) if the temperature goes beyond a set range (too hot or too cold).
    2. Simple Fitness Tracker
      Combine the LED display and the accelerometer to count steps and display a basic representation of calories burned or distance walked.

    Advanced Projects

    1. Morse Code Messenger
      Convert text input (from connected buttons or another interface) to Morse code and display it using the Micro:bit's LEDs. Alternatively, use the onboard speaker to sound out the Morse code.
    2. Interactive Game (like Snake or Pong)
      Develop a simple game using the LED display for visuals and the accelerometer or buttons for controls. For instance, a snake game where the snake moves around, collecting dots and growing in length, or a basic version of Pong where the user controls a paddle to bounce a ball.

    3 - Project Proposal

    Choose your favorite idea from your list and dive deeper:

    1. Project Name: Come up with a catchy title.
    2. Purpose: Describe what your project will do and why it's useful or fun.
    3. Required Features: List down the specific functionalities or features your project will have.
    4. Components Needed: Think about whether you'll need just a computer or if you'll need a physical Micro:bit or any other additional sensors/components.

    4 - Seeking Feedback

    Share your proposal with some classmates or your teacher:

    1. Discuss your project idea and get their opinion.
    2. Note down any suggestions or areas for improvement they might have.

    5 - Refinement & Planning

    Time to refine your idea and plan out the creation process:

    1. Use the feedback you received to make any changes to your project idea.
    2. Break down your project into smaller tasks or steps. This will help you stay organized and track your progress.

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    This lesson is copyright of Coding Ireland. Unauthorised use, copying or distribution is not allowed.
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