60 mins
Teacher/Student led
75 points
What you need:

Sound Recorder

Embark on an exciting journey to create your own music project. Begin by setting up a new project, then add the music code using the 'music.play' function. Finally, test your music by pressing the 'A' button. Enjoy the symphony of your creation!
Learning Goals Learning Outcomes Teacher Notes

1 - Create a New Project

Start by creating a new project. Give it a name like 'Music Maker'.

2 - Add the Music Code

Now it's time to add some music! We'll use the 'music.play' function. This function plays a melody when you press a button. Here's the code:

input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
    music.play(music.stringPlayable("- - - - - - - - ", 120), music.PlaybackMode.UntilDone)

You can replace the '- - - - - - - - ' with a melody from the gallery or design your own melody using the tool. The '120' is the tempo of the music, you can change it to make the music faster or slower.

3 - Test Your Music

Now you can test your music! Press the 'A' button on the simulator to hear your melody. If you have a physical Microbit, this step is optional, you can download the code onto your device and press the 'A' button to hear the music.

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