Scratch Language
40 mins
Teacher/Student led
170 points
What you need:
Chromebook/Laptop/PC or iPad/Tablet


Learn how to translate text to different languages in Scratch and have a sprite speak the translation out loud.

Learning Goals Learning Outcomes Lesson Files

1 - Create a new project

We will be coding a project to allow us to translate from English to another language.

Go to the Scratch website and create a new project, you can delete the cat sprite.

2 - Add the Translate extension

Add the Translate extension to your project.

3 - Add the Text to Speech extension

Add the Text to Speech extension to your project.

4 - Add the Kai sprite

Add the Kai sprite from the library. We will use this sprite to ask what you want to translate and to say the answer.

Add the following code to the Kai sprite to position him in the centre.

when green flag clicked go to x: (0) y: (0)

5 - Create 2 variables

We need the following 2 variables in our project:

  • language - to store what language we want to translate to.
  • translation - to store the translation of what we wanted to translate.

Create the 2 variables.

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Copyright Notice
This lesson is copyright of Coding Ireland. Unauthorised use, copying or distribution is not allowed.

Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at
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